We worked with Monterey Creations to develop the Relax N' Scratch line of backscratchers that would stand out in the marketplace with beauty and joy.
We started by exploring various shapes using 2D sketching. This helped give us an idea for what forms we would be interested in pursuing further with prototyping.
We moved into physical prototyping early on in the design process because it was important to understand the ergonomics as well as the material properties. After some initial prototypes in wood, we made the decision to move to plastic as it would give more energy and playfulness to the object than wood could do, while also being more durable, hygienic and affordable.
We developed a production process that allowed each backscratcher to be unique, allowing customization and exploration of different shapes, colors, materials and textures. We designed flat-patterns that were laser-cut, a thermoforming jig to transform them into three dimensions then dyed them into create the vibrant, translucent colors.
Devise Designs, LLC
3330 COBB PKWY NW STE 324 -366,
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